Jonathan Abrahams

  • Jonathan Abrahams
    Jonathan Abrahams
    As the focal point for disaster risk management for health at WHO, I would like to enter this discussion with two main points, which have been developed in consultation with colleagues. First, taking the liberty of speaking on behalf of colleagues in health and other sectors working towards improving the health of communities at risk of emergencies and disasters (is that not all of us?), may we propose that people`s health should feature as an explicit outcome of the post-HFA framework. Actions from all sectors to make communities safer from all hazards contributes to saving lives, reducing deaths, injuries, illnesses and disability, protecting hospitals and other infrastructure and strengthening the resilience of communities and health systems. Given the impact of hazards on the health of communities worldwide, the health imperative for a post-HFA framework is clear, and therefore, we propose that health outcomes and actions to reduce health risks should be made very prominent in a
    September 2012
  • Jonathan Abrahams
    Jonathan Abrahams joined.
    September 2012

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September 2012
Last Active
September 2012


World Health Organization